Morning Prayer
You will notice if you walk past St. Paul’s in Kurri Kurri that there is a sign at the front of the Church. It says: Morning Prayer is every day except Sunday at 9am.
Morning Prayer is at 9am each morning. If anyone wished to join us they are always welcome.
PARISH COUNCIL EXECUTIVE has asked us all to ring each other. Please ring anyone on your mind and just ask, “how are you?” This crisis affects all of us in different ways. After we have our membership lists fully updated, hopefully in a fortnight, we will organise an official telephoning system for the parish and publish how it works in this update. Until then ring all those you are thinking about and praying for if you have their number. Stay in touch with each other, we are one parish, one family.
We encourage you to continue your weekly giving. If you have access to electronic banking you can set up a regular deposit using the following details:
BSB: 705077
Account Number: 00040648 Account Name:
Anglican Parish of Mount Vincent and Weston.
If you give through the weekly envelopes and wish to continue that please do so. If you accumulate a bundle of envelopes and wish to have them collected, please contact the Parish Treasurer Sharon Dyson-Smith on 0414 372 653 to make those arrangements.
In order to ensure that we stay in touch with all parishioners, we are especially keen to update the parish roll, particularly if you have an email address. As we make contact to check on your wellbeing, we may ask you to confirm the details we hold.